Hello everyone
There is a very strong notion in the minds of people of India that we are racially discriminated all over the world or at least in some countries. Indians till today are present in almost every country in the world. Recent attacks on Indian students in Australia and not to mention SRK getting detained for some 2 hours in a US airport (Although many say it was discrimination against him for being a Muslim and not an Indian). Well it does not matter, because what ever may be the reason of discrimination against SRK, why do we need to start reacting so aggressively against US. Do you think that we are so pure and so innocent(in terms of racial discrimination) that we never did things like that?
Lets go to the history, we are the people who created caste system (One of the notorious gifts by Indians to the world). We divided our society into 4 varnas(castes) according to the birth of child(although initially it was only on the basis of profession). Brahmins and Kshatriyas started considering them as superior to other castes. Condition of shudras in India was pathetic because they were not allowed to pray in the same temple, were not allowed to drink water from the same well which brahmins used to drink and were regarded as untouchables. If they touch you(if you are a brahmin) then you were supposed to take a holy bath to make yourself pure again. This is not just my opinion but recorded history of India. Then came Muslims and Christians, and mind well they did not bring about any considerable change in India, but added a new dimension to discrimination i.e. religion.
Till today, there are numerous villages in India where untouchability is still prevalent. People are discriminated according to their religion, caste, ethnicity and you may not be surprised if you are discriminated on the basis of the state you belong. Once I was travelling in a train from Pune to Vadodara, two people were talking in English with each other. A third person started saying something offensive to these two people (English talkers) because he was offended as they were not talking in Marathi-- A new dimension to discrimination: Language.
India is a country where you can find reservation for almost everything. All the educational institutes and government offices have reservations (sometimes even more than 50%) for Scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and backward castes. Don't you think we are racist when we are teaching our children, to which caste they belong, right from their birth (Our School leaving certificates expects us to right our caste and subcaste). What about children who has seen riots from their childhood? I come from gujarat. When 2002 riots took place, I was in 9th Std. This was the first time in my life when I consciously came to know that my religion makes me different from my fellow classmates.
At least in United States, every men and women are equal not only constitutionally but also practically. At least they are only xenophobic, and not like us who will violate human rights of thousands of people and will still say "My India is Great". At least they are not like us, who never introspect and start shouting when ever there is a small incident in some foreign countries.
The question comes again: "Do we have the right to call other people as racist?"
India is a country where you can find reservation for almost everything. All the educational institutes and government offices have reservations (sometimes even more than 50%) for Scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and backward castes. Don't you think we are racist when we are teaching our children, to which caste they belong, right from their birth (Our School leaving certificates expects us to right our caste and subcaste). What about children who has seen riots from their childhood? I come from gujarat. When 2002 riots took place, I was in 9th Std. This was the first time in my life when I consciously came to know that my religion makes me different from my fellow classmates.
At least in United States, every men and women are equal not only constitutionally but also practically. At least they are only xenophobic, and not like us who will violate human rights of thousands of people and will still say "My India is Great". At least they are not like us, who never introspect and start shouting when ever there is a small incident in some foreign countries.
The question comes again: "Do we have the right to call other people as racist?"